From play to rest,
they're the best!

My sweet Wyeth ...

how you are missed.

I said "good-bye"
November 14, 2023

My beloved little girl, WyNott, passed away ...

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She came with me to The Paddle practically every night for nine years to play frisbee with kids and hang-out in the office to greet upstairs diners.

She touched so many people.  

Thank you to all of you who donated in her GoFundMe campaign, wrote notes and cards, called me directly and prayed for her.  I will never forget your generosity.

She succumbed to a horrible blood disorder - ITP.   She almost made after 13 days at BEVS with 9 blood transfusions.  Ultimately, a blood clot to her lung was the culprit.  She certainly had the will to live, just not the luck.

I was fortunate, however, to have her die in my hands and be able to kiss her good-bye. 

A special thank you to the wonderful medical team at BEVS.  

WyNott - RIP, November 2, 2022

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Watson, my lovely boy ...

You were one hell of a bird dog and a complete love muffin ... 

January 2020

My first GWP,  almost 14 years of age ...

Wyeth continues to teach me about the simple joys of living …

Born November 20, 2009;
Passed away November 16, 2023

Oh my, ... I'll forever miss this girl.

The Paddle Pups

Some old, some new but always a true testament
to the German Wirehaired Pointer breed!   

To learn about GWPs, check out this awesome short Animal Planet 101 video about the breed!

Wyeth, Watson (RIP, 01/22), WyNott (RIP, 11/22), Willoughby & Wilbur 

The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.” 

Pictured: Wyeth, just shy of 13 years of age
September 25, 2022